For beautiful, high quality bathroom furniture in London call 020 8444 2383

If your cast iron bath isn't looking its best, let us work our magic to create a beautiful bath for you.

Here at the Original & Reproduction Bath Studio, we are constantly trying and testing materials, bonders, heat systems and more, to make sure we stay 'ahead of the game'.

Normal methods of coating rely on sanding or etching the bath surface with an acid in order to key the surface prior to enamelling. A bath surface sprayed without a bonder will quickly fail. Companies using these methods will spray the bath, leave it to 'air dry', with dust, orange peel and other imperfections visible, and then be off home. This leaves you to remove masking tape, paper etc. and clear up after them, not allowing you to use the bath for 24 to 48 hours.

We, on the other hand, finish the job properly. After removing the sealant, cleaning, repairing and preparing the bath, it is then warmed up to remove all of the moisture. The bonder is applied and the enamel sprayed to the surface. The heat is again placed over the bath and baked for 1-2 hours. After allowing it to cool, water is placed inside and the bath is gently rubbed down with fine paper. It is then buff polished using a specialist compound paste, waxed with a Teflon coating and the sealant replaced. After allowing the sealant to go off for a couple of hours, the bath is ready to be used THE SAME DAY!

For more information on the enamelling process, please click here

If you would like your cast iron or enamelled bath restoring, call

 0208 504 8999
or 01638 781845
When your Victorian bath has seen better days in London call 020 8444 2383
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